Interface brings two world premieres and a focus on contemporary Austrian music to Wiener Konzerthaus, for the Festival «Bridges», on April 13-15.
«Bridges» brings ensembles from neighbouring countries and further afield to Vienna to perform contemporary music of Austrian origin (in the widest sense), in the intent of building bridges between audience, composers and performers alike.

Read what composers Alexander Kaiser and Javier Quislant García say on their new pieces:

go in and you’ll never come out

“In dieser Kompostion stehen sich zwei klangliche Zentren gegenüber. Eines statisch, mechanisch, kaputt. Ähnlich einer knarrenden, mit all ihren Teilen aneinander reibenden Maschine. Das andere hektisch, wild, aufgewühlt. Eine Schichtung mehrerer unabhängiger Linien, welche zusammen einen fortlaufenden, nach vorwärts drängenden Strom bilden. Beiden liegt die Idee einer immer wieder aufs neue wiederkehrenden, verfälschten Wiederholung zu Grunde, die teils geradlinig, teils verflochten zum Vorschein kommt. Die zwei Klangbilder versuchen sich dabei ständig gegenüber dem anderen zu behaupten. Ausgang ungewiss…” _ Alexander Kaiser

Tornasolando el flanco

“The distorted nature of the sound is the starting point for the formal conception of the piece. In this work, the conception of the nature of sound (as it were conceived in differente sound categories) is closely related to the formal conception (narrative in suspension). From a sound that is characterized by the thematization of its specific characteristics, a new sound is projected in a shifting space. New details and levels are discovered. It is a process of interruption that, in contrast to the developed musical material, appears more and more obvious, and is thematized until it finally manifests itself in the form of an abrupt genesis.” _ Javier Quislant García